Monday, June 28, 2010

Creamed spinach

My girls don't like spinach, obviously since it's a green vegetable, which for them translates into "something to avoid eating at all costs". However, my younger one helped me with the white sauce, so after I blended it, she agreed to taste it and amazingly she liked not. Her sister decided to pass this time.

My recipe for the white sauce (bechamel) is an easier and healthier version on the traditional recipe. Instead of making a roux, I put everything in the pot together and just stir. Of course, you have to constantly stir until you get a smooth and thickened sauce. I have a friend in France, who had a bechamel making machine (which would do the stirring for you), unfortunately I don't have one so this one is done with the help of my daughter.


1 lb fresh spinach (without the stems)
2 cups milk
2 heaping tablespoons cornstarch
salt, pepper, 1/2 bouillon cube (optional)

Boil the thouroughly washed spinach in very little salted water for 3 min over high heat. Drain it and then squeeze it in order to drain it some more.

To prepare the white sauce:

In a pan, add the butter, cold milk, cornstarch and seasonings and stir until all the cornstarch has disolved. Then for the next 10-15 min boil in very low heat, stirring constantly.

In a blender, add the white sauce and the cooked spinach and blend. You can also add grated parmesan cheese if you want a stronger flavor.

Tips for the white sauce:

If you get lumps, just stir vigorously until they disappear.

If it's not thick enough, in a cup, add 4 tablespoons cold milk with 1 tablespoon cornstarch and stir until it has disolved. Then add it straight to the pot and keep on stirring (at low heat) until it thickens.

If you don't have cornstarch, you can substitute for all-purpose flour.

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